
If you're working on a book, essay, or short story, assistance and support can be a gift. A book coach can make writing smoother, more organized, and (yay!) more efficient. Hiring a writer to work with is a very personal decision - the key is finding someone you can communicate with easily and comfortably, someone who asks the right questions, and pushes the work forward.

I generally work with writers who already have a manuscript (or part of one) in hand. My goal is to get you to the next step: finishing 'er up and seeking an agent or publisher. I like thinking of global issues -- arc, plot, themes, and posing the questions that will extend your story/essay/book. Together, we work together on all writing skills, including making sure there is tension, depth, intrigue, and heart.

While I can't promise you a successful contract, I'll do my best to provide you the practical support you will need as you navigate the process from "birthing your baby" to keeping on a writing schedule to bringing your story to completion.

I charge $125 per hour; references available on request.

A book coach ...

  • can help get that "almost ready" manuscript polished and ready to go

  • guides you through every step of planning, writing, publishing, and promoting your book

  • helps you set realistic deadlines and create a schedule for meeting them

  • works with you on polishing your writing

  • clarifies available publishing options

  • helps you reach your readers


  • After publishing five nonfiction books, I decided to write my very first novel. One hundred thousand words later, I knew I needed help. I asked friends if they knew of someone who could critique and edit my manuscript. One person recommended Laura Pritchett, and I contacted her immediately. I knew within minutes she was the right person for me and I sent her a hard copy of my manuscript Forbidden. Within weeks, Laura had read the whole book, made notations in the margins (good and bad) about things that needed to be changed, improved upon or simply cut from the story altogether. She was professional, kind and thorough during the whole process. I literally did everything she told me to do...and it has resulted in a contract! I highly recommend Laura Pritchett as a writing coach and editor and will certainly seek her help with my next novel.

    Liz Wallace

  • I love Laura Pritchett. Let me explain. Laura read my work with the thorough, discerning eye of a scholar with a doctorate in contemporary American Literature. But her comments were practical, not at all academic, aimed entirely at helping me improve the effectiveness of my work. She offered lavish encouragement that left me with a new image of myself as a legitimate writer capable of producing work deserving of publication (though she pointed out how tough it can be to actually get published——a compassionate effort to avoid setting me up for a fall). I’m a little embarrassed to admit I didn’t get around to reading her work until after her critique. When I finished Hell’s Bottom, Colorado, I could only stare at the wall and marvel at my good fortune. Her writing speaks for itself. Do yourself a favor and check it out. A voice inside is telling me to shut up about this. If too many people approach Laura for coaching, she might be too busy for me the next time I need her. If you’re a serious writer looking for a coach, be grateful my better angels have prevailed.

    Billy Jones

  • It is a pleasure to work with Laura. Her critiques of my short stories are comprehensive and she is generous with encouragement. After I implement her suggestions my stories always improve. During the time that she has coached me, I have published three stories in national and international journals. I wouldn't have succeeded without her generous tutelage. Laura is also a wonderful mentor when it comes to the business side of publishing. She suggests where and how to market my stories and gives advice regarding when they are ready for submission. I can't recommend Laura highly enough for anyone wishing to improve their writing, whether they are a beginning or an advanced writer.

    Rachel Maizes